9:00 - 17:30
Leeds Marriott Hotel


Single Ticket - £75 + VAT


Leeds Marriott Hotel

9:00 - 9:30 | REGISTRATION
9:30 - 16:00 | SESSIONS
16:05 - 17:30 | DRINKS RECEPTION

The Business of Yorkshire Conference returns at a pivotal time for the region.With hopes of political stability and an improving economy, there is optimism that the conditions are in place for business to plan and invest for the long-term.A new mayor in North Yorkshire and the promise of further devolution also strengthens the political and policy responsibilities locally, buoyed by the new Government's desire to use mayors as a conduit to delivering change quickly.The Business of Yorkshire Conference is your opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, build relationships, and be part of the visions that are shaping Yorkshire's economic future.Business leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers will share their ambitions for Yorkshire, putting into context how their companies, communities and sectors are supporting the region's growth plans.The Conference is being curated by and supported by Lloyds Bank and Campaigner.It is built around the theme of investing in our future - in business, in people, and in the region - to create a positive, forward-looking event focused on sustainable economic growth in Yorkshire.Join us in Leeds on November 28 as leading figures from the private and public sectors set out a path to navigate the challenges and maximise the opportunities that lie ahead.

Why should you attend?

- Network with a diverse group of professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors who share a common interest in Yorkshire's economic success, fostering valuable connections and potential collaborations- Gain firsthand insights into Yorkshire's key growth sectors, emerging industries and economic trends directly from industry experts and business leaders- Deepen your understanding of Yorkshire's economic strengths, challenges, and potential growth areas - and the role you and your organisation can play, providing you with a competitive edge in identifying business opportunities- Learn from success stories and case studies that highlight innovative approaches, successful collaborations and strong business growth- Gain knowledge about Yorkshire's economic development plans, infrastructure projects, and initiatives that can shape the future business landscape, offering valuable strategic foresight.- Understand the challenges faced by Yorkshire businesses, such as talent retention, skill development, and sustainability targets, and learn how others are finding new solutions.- Be part of the potential of Yorkshire by joining the conversation and the community based in the region that has international impact


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The full agenda for 2024 will be revealed in the coming weeks.


9:00 - 11:35


11:35 - 13:00


13:45 - 15:45

Registration & Networking9:00 - 9:30

Check-in and network with other conference attendees.

Keynotes - Mayors9:35 - 10:15

Standalone speeches followed by Q+A.Tracy Brabin, Metro-mayor, West YorkshireOliver Coppard, Metro-mayor, South Yorkshire

Keynote10:15 - 10:35

How place-led change can transform the economy.Rhys Herbert, Senior Economist, Lloyds Bank

Yorkshire: The Place to do Business10:35 - 11:10

Yorkshire is a great place to build or expand a business, with its thriving skilled and diverse workforce, innovation eco-system and desire to support growing companies.Lorna Pimlott, Managing Director Local Authority Advisory and Lending, UK Infrastructure BankProf Jon Wheat, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation, Sheffield Hallam UniversityCharles Johnson, Head of planning development, Leeds Bradford Airport

Coffee Break/Networking11:10 - 11:35

The future that Yorkshire wants11:35 - 12:15

Prime capabilities, in which the North competes globally, are going to be at the heart of successful economic growth in the years ahead.We'll hear from leaders in Yorkshire's advanced manufacturing, net zero, and digital sectors about the potential for transformative change.David Bond, Chief Executive, Sheffield ForgemastersAmir Hussain, Chief Executive, Yeme TechHenri Murison, Chief Executive, Northern Powerhouse PartnershipMelissa Rackham, Community Engagement Manager, Oh, Yes! Net Zero

Keynote12:15 - 12:30

Graham Stuart MP, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero

Shaping the future12:30 - 13:00

Yorkshire's local authorities are central to shaping the vision for their communities. Delivering long-term investments in infrastructure, housing, skills and connectivity are crucial to the economy, while making it an attractive place to live, from sustainability initiatives through to cultural programmes.Natalie Boswell, Regional Development Director - North East, LloydsSimon Green, Deputy Chief Exec (and interim CEO at the Freeport), North Lincs CouncilAndrew Sharp, Strategic Partnership Manager, Kirklees CouncilDavid Shepherd, Strategic Director of Place, Bradford Council

Lunch13:00 - 13:50

Keynote13:45- 14:05

Anthony Impey, Chief Executive, Be The Business

Business resilience14:05 - 14:35

The medium and long-term prospects for the region are strong but economic uncertainty continues to influence businesses' decision-making.How do companies ensure they are resilient enough to then be able to take advantage of the opportunities on offer?Anthony Impey, Chief Executive, Be The BusinessKathryn Morgan, Managing Director, LowellVictoria Mortimer, Partner, IntegrarLisa Shacklock, Client Services Director, Knights

Technology driving productivity14:35 - 15:05

The pace of technological change, through AI, big data, and industry 4.0, has the potential to generate huge productivity gains.How can investments be deployed to have the biggest impact and how can companies harness the disruptive power of the new technologies to the greatest effect?Ben Travers, Partner, KnightsPhil Adlam, Head of XPLOR, Production ParkBen Priestley, Finance Director, Mansfield PollardMatt Robinson, Head of Nations and Regions, techUKShelley Townend, Marketing Manager, Universal

Talent driving productivity15:05 - 15:35

Many businesses have been constrained by the war for talent in the post-pandemic economy and this will continue to be a challenge for many.Longer-term, ensuring the labour pool has the right skills for the growth sectors and jobs of the future will be vital in ensuring the region can attract inward investment, create the next wave of homegrown success stories, and build an economy on high-value employment.Catherine Devereux, Partner, KnightsTom Grundy, Chief Executive, Hybrid Air VehiclesCatherine Rutter, Director Group Customer Inclusion, LloydsSarah Tulip, Head of Northern Delivery Centres, Cognizant

Drinks reception hosted by Knights & Lloyds15:45 - 17:30


The full speaker line-up will be revealed in the coming weeks.